Chip Maker Exceeds Emissions Goal, Retains Carbon Label


walkers_crispsChip maker Walkers announced that is has become the first company to retain the Carbon Reduction label, issued by the Carbon Trust. The company first displayed the carbon labels in 2007.

Under Carbon Trust's labeling scheme, companies can only carry a label showing the carbon footprint of their product if they pledged to reduce that footprint year-on-year, reported BusinessGreen.

The chip maker announced it has exceeded its goal of reducing its carbon footprint 3 percent by 2009. So far Walkers has reduced its carbon footprint by 7 percent; equivalent to about 4,800 tones of CO2 emissions, or 6 grams of CO2 emissions per standard bag of crisp.

The carbon reductions have saved Walkers more than £400,000 over the past 2 years, which the company has re-invested in future energy saving projects.

The company says it now aims to reduce its energy consumption 20 percent by 2011.

Environment + Energy Leader