Chinese Companies Get on Board with Energy Management Systems


Fifty-two Chinese industrial enterprises are participating in an energy management project initiated by a partnership between the Institute for Industrial Productivity (IIP) and the Dezhou Energy Conservation and Supervision Center.

IIP is a non-government organization focused on reducing industrial energy use worldwide, and the Dezhou Energy Conservation and Supervision Center is a Chinese government organization based in the Shandong Province of China, one of the country’s most industrialized areas.

Through the partnership, 52 industrial enterprises based in Dezhou City in Shandong province will receive assistance to adopt an energy management system (EMS) by June 2014.

EMSs are widely considered to be one of the single-most important factors in reducing the energy use of industrial operations in China. They involve implementing a wide range of energy efficiency measures across a whole enterprise. The Chinese government is promoting EMS use across China, and implementation has now started with the pilot in Dezhou.

China is working to cut energy intensity as part of the government’s Top-1,000 Program and Top 10,000 Program, whose focus is to make the country’s largest enterprises more energy efficient. One of the primary approaches of the Top-10,000 program is to ensure EMSs are implemented in all of the biggest enterprises.

The pilot project will provide practical tools and measures enterprises need to implement a successful EMS, including:

  • having an energy policy and clear targets;
  • establishing roles and responsibilities within an enterprise;
  • having an action plan;
  • undertaking energy audits, measurement and reporting;
  • providing training for staff;
  • improving internal communications processes; and
  • involving third-party certifiers to ensure production meets international standards.

Environment + Energy Leader