Center for Energy and Environment, Power TakeOff Conduct Energy-Saving Industrial Pilot


imagesThe Center for Energy and Environment (CEE), a provider of energy-efficiency programs for businesses, and Power TakeOff, a provider of business customer engagement software for utilities, say first-year results in a program for Xcel Energy have helped customers identify an average of 8 percent in annual bill savings.

The program – Energy Intelligence for Industry - helps small industrial businesses in the Minneapolis area identify energy waste and improve energy management. The program is offered free-of-charge by Xcel Energy to its small or mid-sized industrial customers in its Minnesota service territory.

The first year of the Energy Intelligence pilot program has served 49 companies, and nearly half the savings have resulted from low-cost or no-cost improvements with immediate payback. Leveraged by CEE, Power TakeOff’s energy analytics and reporting platform monitors and displays electricity usage in one-minute intervals on a web-based dashboard.

The pilot program runs through 2016, with a goal to serve 106 customers whose monthly bill is under $10,000. Acceptance into the program is subject to approval from Xcel Energy.

Environment + Energy Leader