The German-based company Gildemeister offers an energy storage system - CellCube - that provides peak shaving and emergency power supply through vanadium redox flow technology.
CellCube can be used in combination with PV systems, wind generation, diesel or biogas generators, or operated in parallel to the grid.
Its TUV Sud NRTL (Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory) and ISO certification make it suitable for North American markets where the product accreditation is a pre-requisite for permitting and insurance. It is also Green Data compatible and can help businesses conserve energy and better manage their electricity costs.
CellCube’s system power output and capacity is scalable from the kilowatt range to the megawatt range. The system is modular to allow varied options, depending on customer preferences.
Gildemeister says the CellCube has proven itself in more than 100 applications worldwide for such companies as Eon/Pellworm, Volkswagen, agriculture companies in Germany and the Netherlands, as well as telecom networks in South Africa.