CEA Saving Energy With Expanded Telework Policy


commute.jpgThe Consumer Electronics Association announced it will expand its formal telework policy to include all full-time employees and encourage staff to spend four days in the office and work one day each week from home.

The association says its new policy will help decrease its employee’s carbon footprint. The association says a CEA employee living in Sterling, VA, who takes part in the program, would be off the road around 2,000 miles a year, saving 52 hours in commute time while decreasing CO2 emissions by about 1,400 pounds annually.

A CEA commissioned study found one day of telecommuting saves the equivalent of up to 12 hours of an average household’s electricity use.

According to a 2007 CEA study, U.S. telecommuters save 840 million gallons of gas per year.

CEA follows in the steps of Washington State, and cities in Sudbury, Winchester, Concord, and Utah that are also experimenting with shorter workweeks.

Environment + Energy Leader