Carpet Waste Diversion from Landfill Hits New Record


carpet wasteDiversion of carpet from landfill continues its upward trend, rising to a new record-breaking 113,000 metric tons -- or 28% -- that were reused, recycled or recovered for energy in 2014, according to latest Carpet Recycling UK figures. The organization has exceeded its original goal, set in 2008, to achieve 25% diversion by 2015.

It’s an increase of 6,000 metric ton on 2013 representing a diversion rate of 28%. Around 400,000 metric tons of waste carpet arises each year in the UK. 

Energy recovery was 73,000 tons (65%) of the total diversion and reuse/recycling was 40,000 tons (35%). The increase in energy recovery follows the general UK trend for MSW incineration as capacity increases, plus the continued strong demand from the cement industry for the benefits of carpet in SRF, particularly chalk content.

Recycling growth in 2014 was strong in segments such as fiber recovery for felts as retailers and flooring contractors saw the benefits of capturing fitting offcuts for recycling.

Last year, Carpet Recycling UK said that 107,000 metric tons of waste carpet were reused, recycled and recovered in the UK during 2013, up 21% (22,000 metric tons) from the previous year.

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