Canon, Motorola Unveil Eco-Friendly Products


Business and consumer electronics manufacturers are answering the call for more environmentally-friendly products. Some of the most recent products to take the environment into consideration are from Canon U.S.A. and Motorola.

Canon U.S.A. Inc. has launched its new document service platform, dubbed the imageRUNNER ADVANCE series, which is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 30 percent over previous models thanks to Canon's life cycle assessment system that considers the environmental impact of a product during its entire life cycle.

These products are the first Canon offerings to make use of 100 percent recycled plastics and bio-plastic materials in certain parts. The series also meets and exceeds Energy Star standards, realizing up to a 75 percent reduction in overall power consumption. In addition, new fusing technologies reduce overall power consumption in the new models to 1W or less in sleep mode.

Restricting the use of 24 hazardous substances, these devices exceed the toughest global regulations set by the European Union's RoHS Directive, which restricts six hazardous substances.

The imageRUNNER ADVANCE models also are equipped with a number of paper-, toner- and energy-saving features to help cut costs and conserve resources.

Motorola's new green products include the MOTOCUBO A45 Eco slider cell phone, several eco-chargers and IPTV set-top boxes.

The MOTOCUBO A45 Eco phone's plastic housing is manufactured from 25 percent recycled water cooler bottles and is fully recyclable. The handset itself is 70 percent recyclable.

Available first in Latin America, the MOTOCUBO A45 Eco is free of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and has earned the CarbonFree Certified Product Label.

Motorola's new P390 (mini USB) and P393 (micro USB) wall chargers deliver standby power performance of 30 milliwatts (mW), which is 90 percent better than the current Energy Star Level V requirement of 300 mW. The P680 (mini USB) and P683 (micro USB) rapid car chargers reduce charge time, requiring only two to three hours for a full charge.

All of these new EcoMoto chargers also use one tenth of the standby power of current standard chargers for optimized energy efficiency, do not contain PVCs or BFRs and use packaging printed on 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper.

Through an alliance with, Motorola offsets the amount of CO2 generated to manufacture, distribute and use the MOTOCUBO A45 Eco and the phone chargers through investments in third-party verified renewable energy and reforestation projects.

Motorola's VIP series of high definition (HD) IPTV set-top boxes are compliant with new U.S. and European Union (EU) initiatives for low-power consumption devices in the home, including Energy Star and the EU's Eco-Design Directive for Energy-using Products (EuPs).

The set-tops are all compliant with the European Commission's Code of Conduct (CoC) v8, which defines three different operating modes for complex set-tops.

The VIP series set-tops are available in single bulk pack boxes that eliminate the use of suspension plastic and reduce box size. The packaging is 100 percent recyclable.

Environment + Energy Leader