California Releases Draft Regs for Safer Products


The California Department of Toxic Substances Controls (DTSC) has released its outline of Regulations for Safer Products under the state's Green Chemistry Initiative that identifies chemicals of concern and establishes methods for analyzing alternatives to existing hazardous chemicals.

The outline proposes guidelines for prioritization of chemicals and products of concern, certification of alternatives assessment, and development of DTSC's regulatory response. It also covers the process by which any public or private entity or individual may petition the department to evaluate a chemical or a chemical and product combination during the prioritization process.

The outline includes a regulatory process that manufacturers of products of concern will need to follow to find safer alternative chemicals,  and a requirement to provide a "certificate of compliance" that states the manufacturer is either in compliance or exempt from the regulations.

DTSC says the draft regulations will be released in the near future and it will begin a formal rule-making process. DTSC is seeking feedback from all stakeholders.

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