California Park to Get $8M Solar System


solar parking canopy Energy ManageCalifornia's East Bay Regional Park district is planning to deploy an $8 million solar carport at Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area in Pleasanton, Inside Bay Area News reports.

When complete, the 1.2 MW system is expected to generate more than $500,000 a year in utility bill credits, resulting in an estimated 12- to 15-year ROI.

According to Pacific Gas & Electric, this is the largest solar project proposed by a park district in the utility’s northern and central California service area.

The park district board is scheduled to select a contractor next month to design and build rows of solar panels mounted on posts above parking areas adjacent to the park’s swimming and boating lake.

While the solar panels will not be visible from neighboring homes, previous solar projects in the area have been criticized as being unattractive, so potential contractors will have the option of proposing nontraditional panels that may be more aesthetically pleasing. The Pleasanton Planning Commission will review the design from the winning contractor.

Photo via Shutterstock

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