Calgary Passes Single-Use Plastics Bylaw


Calgary E+E Leader (Credit: Canva Pro)

During the most recent Calgary City Council meeting, new regulations related to single-use plastics were passed. Among the provisions in the new law is a mandatory fee for reusable and paper bags. Four out of the fourteen council members objected to the bill but the measure was passed 10-4 after many hours of discussion and debate. The new bylaws will go into effect in 2024.

As part of the city's single-use plastics reduction strategy which was released to the public last year, Calgary's new law regarding the use of single-use plastics is expected to decrease the amount of waste the city produces. The bylaw does not specifically ban plastics since it is covered by federal regulation. The new measure is meant to encourage individuals to bring reusable bags when shopping. According to its data, the city says approximately 3.5 million plastic shopping bags, 6.4 million plastic utensils, 2.4 million takeout containers, and 2.4 million disposable cups are thrown out in residential and commercial waste bins each week.

The Specifics 

  • The regulations require Calgarians to pay a minimum of 15 cents for paper bags or $1 for reusable bags at checkout counters unless they have their own
  • Fees will increase to 25 cents for paper bags and $2 for reusable ones in 2025.
  • Bylaws include strategies for single-use plastic straws, stir sticks, and utensils.
  • 87% of Calgarians are already on board with bringing their own shopping bags to the grocery store.

In 2022, The City of Toronto launched its latest ReduceWasteTO program, dubbed Reducing Single-Use. The new program is the first stage of the city’s “Single-Use and Takeaway Items Reduction Strategy.” As part of this program, the city will provide businesses with examples of how they can eliminate the unnecessary use of single-use and takeaway items. Businesses will also be recognized and showcased for their efforts to eliminate waste from single-use items and takeaway items, as well as service providers with innovative business solutions or services that assist businesses in reducing waste.

Environment + Energy Leader