BT has installed a 2,862-module, 601kW-DC solar power system at the company’s North American headquarters in El Segundo, CA. The installation will produce 15% to 20% of BT’s current energy needs for the offices and data center.
The company expects to generate approximately one million kWh of electricity and reduce carbon emissions by 700,000 pounds annually.
Solar Power Partners, which now owns and operates the system, sells the solar-generated electricity to BT under a power purchase agreement. Suntech Energy Solutions designed and installed the system, working as a sub-contractor to Solar Power Partners.
Sierra Aluminum in Fontana, CA has installed an 800 kW solar power plant under a power purchase agreement with Pacific Power Management. The power generated by the 4,488 Mitsubishi Electric 180 watt modules and 2 SatCon 500 kW inverters will be bought directly from PPM with a long term agreement and no capital investment.
The installation will meet approximately 60% to 70% of the total energy requirements of Sierra Aluminum’s manufacturing plant.
The cost of the system's installation will be partially offset with $1.7 million in solar rebates from SCE and is expected to generate 1.4 million kWh per year.
The system will help reduce Sierra’s carbon footprint by over 48 million pounds of carbon dioxide and provide enough power to supply 2800 homes over a 25-year period.
BT also recently launched a program to make it easier for employees to install solar energy for their own homes.
”??The company has arrangements in place with two vendors to help employees who are interested in installing solar systems in their homes," said Kevin Moss, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, BT Americas. BT says it is offering online resources and organizing monthly teleconference sessions where employees exchange experiences with other participants in the program.
Pictured: Sierra Aluminum manufacturing plant.