BrownFlynn Sets Baseline for Future Environmental Performance


BrownFlynn, a corporate responsibility and sustainability consulting firm, says it is "walking the talk" with the release of its first sustainability report based on the Global Reporting Initiative. The company has determined its baseline environmental performance including electricity and water use, based on its 2008-09 reporting period, in order to measure future performance improvements.

These baseline numbers include natural gas consumption of 222.5 MCF, electricity consumption of 26,677 KWh, and water use of 3,300 cubic feet. The company's auto mileage tally is 9,500 miles and the company has printed approximately 26,400 sheets of paper.

BrownFlynn does not currently track total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight, but plans to calculate indirect greenhouse gas emissions once it establishes an accurate energy baseline. The company also does not currently track environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used for the organization's operations, and workforce travel, but plans to calculate carbon emissions associated with employee commuting and business travel in future reports.

Some of the programs BrownFlynn is participating in to lower its carbon footprint include Ecovations, a renewable energy program offered by Dominion and supplied by Integrys Energy Services. Through this program, the carbon dioxide emitted by burning eight percent of the natural gas it uses each year is offset by sourcing gas from renewable alternatives and by purchasing carbon offsets, according to the report.

The company is also implementing small energy conservation steps such as shutting down all computers and power sources at the end of the work day, lowering the thermostat in the winter, turning off lights, and making use of natural light.

BrownFlynn is also providing several recycling options for its basic office waste. During its first waste audit in 2008, the company found that roughly half of its waste was sent for recycling and the other half to the landfill. The company expects to conduct a more formal waste audit in the future to establish an accurate baseline before measuring and reporting waste reduction.

Sustainability goals for 2010 include the creation and implementation of an environmental policy and formal Sustainable Purchasing Policy.

Environment + Energy Leader