Better Buildings Challenge Aims to Double Down on Energy Savings


Better Buildings Challenge energy manageThe Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Challenge partners have cut energy waste by 94 TBTUs since the program began in 2011. The energy savings have saved partners a total of $840 million so far. To continue this progress, the DOE is expanding the Better Buildings Challenge to include water savings goals and DOE is calling on existing partners to recruit one new partner to join the program and set a goal of reducing energy use across their respective building portfolios by at least 20 percent in the next 10 years, effectively doubling down on Better Buildings.

The Better Buildings Challenge now has more than 250 partners representing 3.5 billion square feet, 650 manufacturing plants, 50 cities and states, and $5.5 billion in financing investments. In the past year, nine partners have already met their energy savings goals years ahead of the target, including 3M; the City of Beaverton, Oregon; Camas School District; HARBEC; Lend Lease; the State of Maryland; Sprint; Volvo; and the City of West Palm Beach, Florida. Two financial allies including Enterprise and Hannon Armstrong also met their goals.

Environment + Energy Leader