Staff Writer
AT&T has set a goal to enable carbon savings 10 times the footprint of its operations by 2025. To achieve this, AT&T will engage with customers, companies and non-governmental organizations on tactics to drive reductions in emissions and increases in resource efficiency.
The company has built a roadmap to 2025 that includes 2020 goals to meet on the way to achieving the 2025 goals, in addition to specific targets to reach throughout the years.
Targets for 2020 include the following:
- Reduce Scope 1 emissions in network/operations by 20 percent by 2020, using a 2008 Scope 1 baseline.
- Reduce the company’s electricity consumption relative to data growth on its network by 60 percent by 2020, against a 2013 baseline.
- Expand on-site alternative energy capacity to at least 45 MW — more than double its 2014 capacity — by the end of 2017 and intensify the pursuit of off-site renewables with competitive financials.
- Deploy approximately 15,000 alternative-fuel vehicles (AFVs) over a 10-year period through 2018.
- Collect more than 20 million devices for reuse, refurbishment or recycling by end-of-year 2020.
- Provide sustainability information for all AT&T-branded network-connected consumer wireless devices.
- By the end of 2015, a majority of spend with strategic suppliers will be with those who track greenhouse gas emissions and have specific GHG goals.
- By the end of 2017, achieve an average score of 80 percent or higher for top suppliers on the Supplier Sustainability Scorecard.
- By the end of 2018, incorporate sustainability-oriented standards or analyses into sourcing decisions with strategic suppliers.
Targets to help the company meet its 2025 goal include the following:
- Enhance network efficiency to enable the achievement of the “net positive” ratio.
- Deliver customer solutions to achieve “net positive” ratio.
- Establish clear, agreed-upon industry sustainability metrics.
- Promote the use of these metrics in industry sourcing.
- Develop and follow an industry roadmap toward truly sustainable performance.