ASHRAE Building Achieves 4 Green Globes


ASHRAEThe American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) completely renovated its Atlanta-based headquarters in 2008. The remodel of the two-story, 34,700-sq-foot building, which was built in 1965, was awarded four Green Globes – the highest honor - from the Green Building Initiative.

Notable energy efficiency improvements include:

• A dedicated outdoor air supply system provides conditioned outdoor air to occupants throughout the entire building at rates that are 30 percent higher than code minimums. The system also includes an energy recovery wheel, which transfers energy from the exhaust stream to the incoming stream.

• On the second floor, 12 ceiling-mounted, ducted, heat pumps connect to a ground-source well field providing heat and cooling. A closed-loop piping system circulates water between the building and the ground-source wells

• One-third of the roof contains a 20 kW photovoltaic solar array of 120 panels. The energy fed to the utility grid equates to about 8 percent of the building’s annual energy consumption.

Environment + Energy Leader