The California Energy Commission (CEC) hired Asetek to perform a $3,552,678 project to install RackCDU D2C liquid-cooling in two large-scale, super computing data centers in California. The project will include installation of Asetek's RackCDU in about 90 racks of servers and the addition of RackCDU D2C liquid cooling to servers from multiple manufacturers.
Additional monitoring equipment will be installed to track energy-savings, cost-savings and computational performance over a 12-month period following system installation.
Funding for this project is to be provided through California’s Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Program, managed by the CEC. The project start-date is anticipated to be July 1, 2015. The duration of the project is expected to be 24 months with hardware installed in two phases, in month 6 and month 13.