AMF to Save $3M with Lighting Retrofits


amfbowlingcenterAMF Bowling Centers Inc. has completed its energy-efficiency retrofit upgrades at the first 43 out of 286 bowling centers in Texas, California, New York, Florida, Michigan, Oregon and Washington. AMF is projected to save about $3 million annually in utility costs with an overall payback of less than two years for their entire portfolio. Energy-efficiency retrofit contractor Lime Energy is expected to complete the upgrades this fall.

AMF contracted with Lime Energy, Elk Grove Village, Ill., to convert existing light fixtures over the lanes and customer area to new-generation fluorescent lighting to reduce operating costs. AMF said the new lights consume about one-half the energy and will not need to be changed for at least three years, which also reduces maintenance costs.

Lime Energy recently outlined key steps involved in lighting retrofit projects, which range from conducting lighting audits to writing a formal proposal where alternate fixtures are identified and installation costs are prepared. Some of Lime Energy's recently completed energy-efficiency retrofits include Associated Food Stores, Jetro Cash and Carry, and Modell's Sporting Goods.

Environment + Energy Leader