Ameresco Wins Solar Contract with Canadian School District


Ameresco energy manageAmeresco Canada agreed to a new 20-year, solar-energy partnership with London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) and Structural Tech Corporation (Aamjiwnaang First Nation).

Ameresco will install 1.025 MW in rooftop photovoltaic panels at 13 schools. The installation of these panels is expected to begin in the summer of 2015 and be completed by early 2016. An annual lease payment will be made to LDCSB for 20 years, providing a revenue stream to the school board.

The Ontario Ministry of Energy’s 2009 Green Energy Act grants the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), formerly Ontario Power Authority (OPA), the ability to implement renewable energy technologies through the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Program. The IESO approved Ameresco Canada’s bid to participate in FIT 3 because it had support from the municipality, partnership with the LDCSB as host for the projects, and a 51 percent ownership partnership with an Aboriginal community, all of which were key factors in the bid.

The current FIT 3 photovoltaic installation process, which will be managed by Ameresco, includes modeling, financial structuring, engineering, product procurement, and project/construction management. Ameresco will also be responsible for real-time monitoring of power generation for each solar installation.

Environment + Energy Leader