Alpine Restaurant Installs Energy Storage


Metronik Energija has installed two of Imergy Power System' ESP4 series vanadium-based flow batteries at Trojane, a restaurant located in the Slovenian Alps.

The restaurant has already installed a 49 kW photovoltaic solar system, a 30 kW combined heat and power (CHP) system, and an electric vehicle (EV) charging station.

The energy storage project, sponsored by the Slovenian Utility Elektro Ljubljana, is designed to demonstrate how Imergy's flow batteries manage multiple applications, such as renewable energy system integration, peak demand reduction, backup power and EV charging.

The project is part of the European AlpStore program, with partners from seven countries tasked with developing a long-term energy storage strategy for the Alpine regions. It will be evaluated by Elektro Ljubljana and will establish how energy storage systems incorporating vanadium-based flow batteries manage the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources.

The evaluation period for the project will take two years, at which point an optimal function mix for this particular location will be set up and continuous operation will start.

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