Alcatel-Lucent Says Base-Station Upgrade Can Cut Power Use 27%


alcatel_lucentAlcatel-Lucent is now offering a new feature called Dynamic Power Save, an add-on to its GSM/EDGE mobile networking portfolio. DPS is touted as capable of reducing power consumption by up to 27 percent.

The company says the software upgrade can be installed on the roughly 500,000 Alcatel-Lucent multi-standard base stations deployed since 1999.

DPS is capable of switching off the power amplifier in GSM transceivers. It enables the base station to monitor traffic activity on the network and switch off the amplifier when there is no information to transmit.

In October, Ericsson unveiled its latest radio base station site concept; a wind-powered Tower Tube.

The GSMA has launched the Green Power for Mobile program, which aims to power 118,000 new and existing off-grid base stations in developing countries by 2012 with renewable energy sources.

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