Airlines Commit to 2 Deals for Biofuel


rentechAltAir Fuels and Rentech have separately signed deals that will advance the use of renewable synthetic fuels used by airlines.

A group of 14 airlines that service the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, along with the Air Transport Association, have agreed to purchase up to 750 million gallons of renewable jet fuel and biodiesel.

The fuel, derived from camelina, is to be produced by AltAir Fuels in Anacortes, Wash., according to a press release. Camelina is able to be produced by no-till methods, meaning it has less environmental impact than some other crops grown for biofuels.

The biofuel will supplant up to 10 percent of the petroleum fuel used annually at the Seattle-Tacoma airport. The effort also is predicted to reduce emissions by about 14 billion pounds over a decade.

"Our intention as an airline industry is to continue to do our part by supporting the use of alternative fuels," said Glenn Tilton, ATA board Chairman and UAL Corporation and United Airlines cChairman, President and CEO, in the release.

Participating airlines include American Airlines, Air Canada, Alaska Airlines, Atlas Air, Delta Air Lines, FedEx Express, Hawaiian Airlines, Jet Blue Airways, Lufthansa German Airlines, Mexicana Airlines, Polar Air Cargo, United Airlines, UPS Airlines, and US Airways.

Meanwhile, Rentech Inc. has signed a memorandum of understanding with 13 airlines to provide synthetic jet fuel from its proposed facility in Mississippi.

Rentech's fuel will be made from waste and biomass, reports the Wall Street Journal.

The facility is expected to have a capacity of 250 million gallons of fuel a year. Airlines that signed on to the deal are: Air Canada, AirTran Airways, American Airlines, Atlas Air, Delta Air Lines, FedEx Express, JetBlue Airways, Lufthansa German Airlines, Mexicana Airlines, Polar Air Cargo, United Airlines, UPS Airlines and US Airways, according to a press release.

In August, eight airlines at Los Angeles International Airport agreed to a multi-year deal with Rentech to use up to 1.5 million gallons of renewable synthetic diesel for ground service equipment operations.

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