Airline Achieves 7 ISO Certificates, an Industry First


Gulf AirISO certifications can help companies meet environmental management goals, manage risks and comply with regulations, all of which leads to significant cost savings.

For this reason, businesses across industry sectors use ISO standards to manage their performance.

Today Gulf Air, Bahrain’s national carrier, said Bureau Veritas recently awarded it seven information technology ISO certifications, making it the first airline in the world to achieve seven ISO certificates in IT.

The airline achieved certification in these seven areas: quality management, environmental management, service management, business continuity management, information security management, energy management and asset management. Its IT department underwent comprehensive external audits conducted by Bureau Veritas before receiving the certifications.

Gulf Air first initiated ISO compliance and began working toward certification in 2013. The company says it has continuously added more management systems in its governance framework to date.

In November ISO published a new standard, ISO 14034:2016, Environmental management – Environmental technology verification (ETV), that aims to help environmental technology buyers select products that best suit their needs.




Environment + Energy Leader