Agrion Names its ‘Disrupt 25+’


A company that cut energy and water use at a data center by 80 percent and set a record in power use effectiveness (PUE) is the first one to be featured as one of the most disruptive startups in a clean energy and sustainability ranking.

Agrion Americas assembled over 100 leading innovators in cleantech and sustainability from finance, tech, consumer industries, and more.

The company named the 25 most promising startups for driving change in clean energy, energy efficiency, energy storage, smart grid, transportation, eco-innovation & design, and sustainable business models.

Agrion ranked sustainable cooling company for data centers Inertech as the first Featured Innovator.

Inertech’s projects in telecom, finance and government have aligned sustainability and good business decisions, radically reducing power and water costs while driving down energy use, carbon emissions, and water consumption by over 80 percent through its custom, modular data pods and ultra-efficient cooling systems.

In early 2013, Intertech announced a record-setting 1.012 PUE for the eOPTI-TRAX technology through a collaboration with Skanska on projects for telecommunications provider Telus. The company provided lower maintenance costs and reduced particulate matter and NOx/SOx pollution.

In clean energy, the noteworthy companies are: Energy Sage, Solantro, Integrated Solar Technology and Petra Solar. Energy efficiency companies recognized were: UtiliSave, Sealed Homes, Noesis Energy, ENEFSO, and Inertech.

Energy storage features Axion Power International, Stern, Enervault and Demand Energy.  In smart grid, honorees were AutoGrid Systems, Viridity Energy, Green Energy Corp., Pareto Energy, Fastec and Bidgley. Transport included Simply Grid, Evercharge and VoicePark.

Eco-innovation and design companies were Pulpworks, Ecologic Brands and InEcTec Inc. Sustainable business models honorees were RoundHouse One, EOS Climate and eCosphere.

Environment + Energy Leader