After Carbon Neutrality, News Corp Sets New GHG and Energy Targets


News Corporation, the owner of Fox and the Wall Street Journal, has achieved carbon neutrality, according to chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch.

In a letter to employees yesterday, Murdoch said the company became carbon neutral in December, achieving a goal set in 2007. The letter was published on the same day that James Murdoch, the chairman and CEO of News Corporation Europe and Asia, announced new environmental goals for the company.

James Murdoch said that by 2015, News Corp will reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 15 percent, reduce emissions intensity by at least 15 percent, and invest in clean energy equal to 20 percent of the company’s electricity use.

He said the company will also actively engage 100 of its largest suppliers in improving their environmental impacts, and will measure its waste footprint and develop a comprehensive strategy to reduce it.

News Corp. says it is the first global media company to achieve net-zero emissions.

"Together with our colleagues and partners, we took the challenge that was presented to us and found a way to respond to it that saved the company money, tapped new streams of revenue, attracted new talent and put us on the right path to make our imagined future a reality,” James Murdoch said.

He said further goals for the company include:

  • Growing the business without growing the company's carbon footprint.
  • Powering operations with clean electricity.
  • Minimizing solid waste to landfill from production operations.
  • Engaging readers, viewers and customers on sustainability issues through partnerships and content.

Environment + Energy Leader