AFS, CGA Promote Reusable Grocery Bags


plastic-bag2To reduce plastic bag waste, Associated Food Stores in Salt Lake City and the California Grocers Association are separately promoting the virtues of reusable bags.

Associated Food Stores starts a partnership with the Salt Lake City mayor's office on Sept. 9 to remind shoppers to take reusable shopping bags on their excursions to grocery stores, reports Supermarket News.

After launching its "Live Green" reusable grocery bag last year, AFS stores have sold or given away nearly 200,000 reusable bags. As part of the new campaing, consumers will receive magnets reminding them to use their bags, and banners and signs will be put up in AFS stores and parking lots.

In California, meanwhile, a state industry association is touting its own program to educate consumers about the virtues of reusable bags. The effort kicks off in Santa Barbara, where the California Grocers Association started its "Where's your bag" campaign Aug. 28, reports Supermarket News.

That campaign, in conjunction with the city of Santa Barbara, will feature staff training, advertising, signage and special events.

Around the world, the use of disposable plastic bags is coming under scrutiny.

According to a top UN official, plastic bags, which choke marine life, should be banned or phased out rapidly.

Still, use of the bags persists. The Full Circle Recycling Initiative aims for 40 percent recycled content in all plastic bags by 2015, including at least 25 percent postconsumer recycled plastic.

The initiative comes from the Progressive Bag Affiliates of the American Chemistry Council.

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