AFC Energy says that its fuel cells have successfully completed the next to last objective – Milestone 10 – in its Power-Up program. The step, according to the company, was for a tier of 8 fuel cell cartridges on the KORE system to temporarily operate at the maximum output of 40kWe.
The company says that the same fuel cells will be used to test the second and third tiers during the coming weeks. Each of the three tiers operates independently of the other two, which promotes balance of plant and reduces risk (as opposed to unified operations, which would make it possible for all to go down simultaneously).
The final milestone – achieving 240kWe – will be the subject of a trial in December.
In August, AFC said that it successfully began operation of its first KORE fuel cell system. The goal of the installation, which is in Stade, Germany, is to become the largest alkaline fuel cell system at an industrial facility selling power to a national electric grid.