AEG Power’s Modular PV Inverter Targets Commercial Applications


AEG Power Solutions has a new modular photovoltaic (MPV) solar inverter line.

The three-phase, transformerless central inverters deliver efficiencies greater than 97 percent in a compact, lightweight package. The interters come in 10 models, built in units of 15 kW - from 15 kW to 150 kW - targeted for commercial installations.

The range of inverter sizes is aimed to more accurately match inverters to PV array requirements. The MPV inverter is typically half the footprint and half the weight of similar central inverters so it can be deployed on the roof or on the ground, and it fits through a standard door.

Inverter modules are turned on as needed to match the power required and, coupled with no transformer losses, yield the 97 percent or greater efficiencies. With a wide maximum power point tracking range and fast responses to dynamic changes in weather, the MPV inverter is designed to maximize energy production.

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