For colleges and universities that want to establish a baseline on where they stand with sustainability, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) has updated its Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) framework.
STARS 2.0 is based on feedback from colleges about how to improve the self-reporting framework so it's more relevant for their campuses. It will help measure the school’s sustainability performance and help it learn from other institutions of similar types and demographics. The updated version will also create a baseline for continuous improvement and foster cross-campus collaboration.
AASHE says STARS 2.0 will aid colleges in their efforts to garner support and buy-in from stakeholders for their sustainability efforts, and gain recognition for their sustainability milestones and creative solutions.
The main changes in STARS 2.0 address some key issues that the higher education community wanted to improve, including:
But while the data collector is simply a place to upload sustainability data, the STARS reporting tool allows institutions to both share and track their data over time through data management software. STARS participation costs $900 for AASHE members and $1,400 for non-members.