The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has announced awards to seven NY companies to demonstrate new approaches to energy storage, as part of the state’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV).
Support is being provided for the following projects:
New York City
Chemistry to increase battery life and decrease costs – Urban Electric Power (New York City) has developed a zinc-manganese-dioxide battery chemistry to reduce the total cost of electrical energy storage in grid-based applications.
Long Island
Anti-idling battery to reduce the need for ambulances to run engines continuously – Bren-Tronics (Commack) is a prime supplier of rechargeable and high energy lithium batteries to the US military. It is developing an anti-idling battery that reduces fuel costs, noise and emissions.
Multi-chemistry battery-charger and low-voltage power supply used in transportation applications – Applied Power Systems (Hicksville) seeks to improve the functionality and efficiency of its technology for transportation applications, including commuter rail lines. The company is expanding its product capabilities to include new battery technologies.
Hudson Valley
Storage for solar energy – Varta Microbattery (Rye) is developing an energy storage solution for solar installations that will provide backup power while minimizing the need for additional components. The project includes development of an "island interconnection device" that allows a microgrid at a customer site or in a community to easily connect or disconnect from the main electric grid.
Capital Region
Nanomaterial battery component manufacturing – Enermat Technologies (Clifton Park) seeks to commercialize graphene-based electrodes for advanced lithium-ion batteries by developing a scalable manufacturing strategy to produce this nanomaterial, which can store more energy than existing materials.
Finger Lakes
Fuel cell assembly technology – American Fuel Cell (Rochester) is demonstrating the scale-up of its new fuel cell technology for multiple stationary and mobility applications, offering reduced manufacturing costs from existing technology.
Power converter to store more energy in a smaller space - Working with Applied Power Systems, PowerHub Systems is developing a silicone-carbide-based power converter for energy storage systems that are expected to take up less space and store more power than comparable technologies.