56% Support Energy and Environmental Provisions in Stimulus


arrasupporttableFifty-six percent of Americans support the energy and environment (E&E) provisions in the stimulus package, compared to 41 percent who support the overall relief package, according to a new survey from Pike Research.

Key analysis of The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), also known as the Stimulus Package, shows a mixed reaction from the general public, according to Pike Research, based in Boulder, Colorado. Provisions related to clean water initiatives, smart grid, and hazardous waste cleanup were rated the highest by survey respondents, while the least popular provisions provide for weatherization and energy efficiency retrofits for low-income housing and federal buildings.

Respondents to the "ARRA Survey Analysis" indicate strong support for several major provisions. Sixty-three percent of respondents support the $6 billion Environmental Protection Agency clean water initiatives, and 61 percent back the $11 billion program for an electric "smart grid". Also, 60 percent of survey participants agree with $6.0 billion for hazardous waste cleanup, and 57 percent support $6.6 billion for energy efficiency and conservation improvements.

Even the least popular energy and environment provisions drew more support from survey participants than the overall stimulus package, says Pike Research. These included $6.7 billion for federal building renovations (42 percent support) and $8.7 billion for residential weatherization programs (49 percent support).

The survey also finds that respondents who stated that they "strongly agree" or "agree" with "green" purchasing and environmental views were more likely to support E&E provisions of the stimulus plan.

The study also looks at support by political affiliation such as conservative, moderate or liberal and demographic segment including level of education and age.

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