SaveOnEnergy, which helps customers in competitive energy markets shop for energy suppliers, has come up with a list of five innovative energy sources, and created an infographic to show these devices:
1. InStep NanoPower (pictured) is a shoe insert that can capture 15 watts of energy during active walking. The energy can then be stored in a battery.
2. Epiphany onE Puck is a drink coaster that charges a cellphone. It uses a stirling engine powered solely by heat disparities, such as a hot or cold drink.
3. Soccket from Uncharted Play is a portable generator in the form of a size-5 soccer ball. With just a few minutes of play, the included LED lamp can be plugged into the ball to provide hours of light.
4. Ecobutton is a physical button connected via a USB to power down a device to its lowest energy-using level. When the Ecobutton is used on a desktop for 4 hours per day, it saves up to 473 kWh per year.
5. Perpetua Power has invented a 1 square inch thermoelectric generator that converts body heat into electricity when placed against skin. The device could potentially be used to power medical gear such as pacemakers.