300 NY Housing Developments to Get Energy Upgrades


HUDNY Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the largest energy savings program for any public housing authority in the country. Through a series of competitive Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC), it is estimated that at least $100 million in work will occur across nearly 300 New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) developments to upgrade and retrofit thousands of buildings.

The ESPC, facilitated by HUD, is part of the Mayor’s green buildings plan and commitment to an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Over the last ten years, NYCHA’s utility costs for water, electricity and heat have increased 64 percent from $350 million to $576 million, though consumption has increased just 9 percent during that time.

The energy-saving measures will include upgrades to heating plants and distribution systems, and installation of energy efficient lighting and apartment sensors.

The first RFP for the initiative, to be issued by NYCHA on April 16, will seek an energy services company that can maximize both energy savings and cost savings across 89 properties housing 87,000 apartments – or about 50 percent of NYCHA’s public housing portfolio. Subsequent RFPs will seek the same competitive bids for additional properties, ultimately reaching nearly 300 developments.

The ESPC will enable NYCHA to achieve energy and water savings without having to provide upfront capital. The selected energy services company will implement energy and water conservation measures and provide a guarantee of energy savings from these measures.

Environment + Energy Leader