$100 Billion in Stimulus for Green Programs


The Economic Stimulus bill passed last week by the House, and currently under debate in the Senate, has roughly $100 billion for green spending and tax incentives.

Here's a breakdown of some of the key items, from CNN Money.com:

  • Conservation: $28 billion
  • Renewable Energy Subsidies: $28 billion
  • Environmental Improvement: $14 billion
  • Upgrading the Electricity Grid: $11 billion
  • Mass Transit: $13 billion

Spending programs for conservation include upgrading federal buildings and low- and middle-income homes with insulation and replacing windows. Homeowners would also be eligible for a tax credits on efficiency measures up to $1,500.

Renewable Energy subsidies could include wave power, geothermal, offshore wind or innovative solar projects, as well as current forms of renewable energy, including a three-year extension of the tax break for big wind projects. "Carry-back" provisions would allow renewable energy companies to receive tax credits against past profits, which will help them in the down economy.

Other money is allocated to improving power lines, developing a smart grid, making better batteries for electric cars, improving national parks, and cleaning up industrial sites.

Environment + Energy Leader