Merged Company Launches Reforestation Program


vietnamTouchlink Communications has changed its name to Asia Green and signed a merger agreement with Asia Green, a Vietnamese company, to launch its agroforestry and reforestation program in Vietnam. Asia Green's Vietnam-based subsidiary has acquired 75 percent equity ownership in Hoan Vu LLC, a Vietnamese company that has been granted 1,400 hectares of land for the first phase of its program.

Asia Green is engaged in afforestation and reforestation activity in Vietnam, particularly specializing in planting Paulownia trees for timber, producing carbon credits as a byproduct and growing bananas as an intermediate crop to maximize both short-term and long-term potential economic benefits, the company said.

The company said its business strategy is to develop a sustainable agroforestry program in Vietnam by planting Paulownia trees together with bananas in order to protect the environment and maximize both short-term and long-term economic benefits. It also said it is the first company in Vietnam using the US public company model in the agroforestry business to access international capital markets and provide an opportunity for worldwide investors to participate.

Photo: Nathan O'Nions Flickr photostream

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