Precision-Paragon (P2), a division of Hubbell Lighting, has launched a free web app that helps business owners calculate energy and cost savings for commercial and industrial lighting upgrades. P2 says about 40 percent of the electricity used in a typical commercial building is consumed by lighting.
The "Lighting Retrofit Calculator" app gives businesses a starting point from which they can estimate the potential cost, savings and environmental benefits for lighting retrofit projects in offices, warehouses and manufacturing spaces. P2 says this will help businesses with their next steps in terms of establishing a budget, selecting an energy-efficiency professional and sending out request for quotes on lighting upgrade proposals.
P2 explains how it works: Select the facility type for the retrofit, the electricity cost per kW hour, the facility's square footage and its annual hours of operation. The calculator will provide suggestions if you're not sure about a particular field.
Once you click "calculate," the app returns an initial estimate for project cost, energy savings, cost savings and years to reach payback. It also calculates environmental benefits such as the number of cars taken off the road for one year, gallons of gasoline not burned and households powered for one year with the electricity that is saved.
Selecting a lighting system for your company's retrofit project is also a major task. Here are five tips for selecting LED lighting systems.