EverWind Fuels Invests $1 Billion to Purchase 3 Wind Farms in Nova Scotia


Japan's renewable energy platform launched by Actis, Nozomi Energy, will use solar and wind energy to aid the country's emission reduction targets. (Credit: Canva)

EverWind Fuels, Canada’s advanced large-scale green hydrogen project, has plans to purchase three wind farm development projects in Nova Scotia.

The Wind Farms will represent a $1 billion private investment to deliver additional renewable energy in Nova Scotia for EverWind green hydrogen and ammonia production. The wind farm development, Windy Ridge, is in partnership with Membertou, Bear Lake, and Kmtnuk, and will have a capacity of approximately 530 megawatts.

The wind farms will be developed and built in partnership with Renewable Energy Systems, the largest private developer of renewable power in the world. RES has constructed more than 23 gigawatts of wind farms and currently operates more than 12  GW of wind. RES has extensive experience working with municipalities, corporations, First Nations, and government authorities in Canada since 2003, including Nova Scotia.

The project supports Nova Scotia’s 80% Renewable Energy Standard in 2030. The wind farms will power Phase 1 of EverWind's green hydrogen and ammonia project. It will also create 650 construction and 30 full-time positions in Nova Scotia and bring new generating capacity in addition to the Province's recent Rate Base Procurement. The move also

“The global fight against climate change requires us to work together to get long-term investments in clean, renewable energy over the finish line,” Trent Vichie, CEO of EverWind, said in a statement. “This investment helps Nova Scotia move more quickly and cost-effectively towards its clean energy transition. The power generated at these three new developments will also ensure EverWind's green hydrogen and ammonia will meet the strictest international standards for green fuels, including European RFNBO criteria. It is a win for our project, a win for the province and, ultimately, a win for the planet.”

Black & Veatch, an engineering, procurement, and construction company, will develop and construct the green hydrogen and ammonia plant. The company has been working on hydrogen, ammonia, and transmission projects for over 60 years, including 100 hydrogen projects and more than 50 recent ammonia projects.

Excess green power from the wind farms can be sold by EverWind to Nova Scotia Power for consumption by customers. Energy generated from the wind farms will be transmitted via Nova Scotia's power grid to EverWind’s Point Tupper facility. EverWind is also purchasing and leasing land adjacent to the facility which will be used for up to 300 MW of solar power, which will support production and enhance grid flexibility benefits, the company said.

Production of the wind farms will vary due to the nature of wind power, and the first phase will utilize PEM electrolyzers to vary their production to respond to variable green energy inputs. Across the Wind Farms and solar developments, EverWind projects it will generate 2,500,000 MWh, providing the power for more than 200,000 metric tons of ammonia. 

In the second phase, EverWind will generate an additional 2 GW of wind through an agreement to lease Crown land. The company is also in the process of developing a green hydrogen project in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Environment + Energy Leader