ASHRAE Publishes GreenGuide


The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers has published a GreenGuide focusing on the "design, construction, and operation of sustainable buildings." The guide aims help teach designers how to participate effectively on design teams charged with producing green buildings.

"This is a design guide for mechanical engineers who are interested in advancing integrated, high performance/green concepts and applications on building design projects," said Malcolm Lewis, Ph.D., a member of ASHRAE's technical committee on building environmental impacts and sustainability, which wrote the book. "The guidance will help building professionals analyze system design options and point them in the right direction for deeper analysis."

The book, an update to the 2003 version of ASHRAE GreenGuide, contains a new chapter outlining guidance on the LEED Rating System developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. The chapter discusses ways in which LEED credits affect engineers and how they can best respond to the opportunities presented by the use of LEED on projects.

The ASHRAE GreenGuide also contains more than 40 GreenTips, which are sidebars containing information on techniques, processes, measures or systems. The tips contain a list of other sources for reference.

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