The Better Buildings Alliance’s Lighting Energy Efficiency in Parking (LEEP) Campaign recognized 18 organizations for efficient outdoor lighting.
In the past year, these organizations have committed to install efficient lighting across more than 470 million square feet of parking space – cutting energy use on average by 60 percent.
Altogether, 2014 and 2015 LEEP award winners are saving nearly 30 million kWh and $3 million each year by upgrading to high efficiency metal halide, fluorescent, and LED solutions that last three times longer than previously-used technologies, and by using controls to reduce energy use when parking facilities are not in use. Some LEEP award-winning sites have reduced their energy use by as much as 90 percent. To date, more than 140 US businesses and organizations are participating in the campaign and planning or installing energy efficient lighting in their parking lots and garages.
The 2015 (Phase 2) LEEP Campaign Awardees are: