Veolia, the Paris-based waste and water giant, has bought Kurion, a nuclear waste cleanup firm based in California, for $350 million.
Kurion was involved in stabilizing Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which failed after the 2011 tsunami. Veolia says the acquisition rounds out its nuclear cleanup services and it is now able to provide products and know-how in both nuclear facility cleanup and the treatment of low and medium-level radioactive waste.
Veolia expects the new business to contribute annual revenue of $350 million to 400 million by 2020, Reuters reports. This including about $250 million from waste treatment and $100 million to $150 million from decommissioning nuclear installations.
The new business will target the nuclear sector — facilities and research centers that are in operation or being decommissioned — as well as to the oil industry and the pharmaceuticals industry.