The Oakland County, MI, Board of Commissioners’ Finance Committee has approved a plan to issue almost $15 million in bonds to build a 30,000 square-foot animal control facility in Pontiac. Energy considerations are central in the deliberations. One commissioner “pleaded,” according to the story in The Oakland Press, for more attention to be paid to energy use before final approval is granted.
A building official maintained that the facility will be energy-efficient and save between 25 percent and 33 percent in energy costs. The official who asked for energy to be a high priority suggested that a comparison to similarly sized new buildings — not the 40-year-old facility that is being replaced — would be more appropriate.
The full commission will vote on Thursday. If approved, the bond sale will begin on Nov. 17.
Earlier this month, The Michigan Public Service Commission reported that electric and gas utilities spent $257 million during the past two years to reduce energy use. Those investments are expected to save at least $1.1 billion over the life of the programs in which they were made.