Energy a Big Deal at Cable-Tec Expo

by | Oct 12, 2015

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cable-tec expoThe Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers will present energy-related special sessions, demos, tours and workshops at Cable-Tec Expo this week in New Orleans.

The Energy 2020 program will present “Cable’s Power Innovators,” a look at vendor milestones in energy cost and consumption reductions. Energy 2020 will present a 90-minute session on energy management and offer energy case studies. The case studies include Comcast’s work with Bloom Energy on solid oxide fuel cells; Cox Communications’ facility-wide solar facility deployment with Velo Solar and others; Time Warner Cable’s deployment of energy-efficient converged cable access platforms (CCAP) with Casa Systems and Liberty Global/Ziggo’s work on Phase Change Materials with Tizzon.

FierceCable reports that Arris Group and, separately, Worldwide Environmental Systems and Concurrent Computer Corp. will demonstrate energy related software at the conference. Arris will show how it can use standards-based APSIS management data and technology to “measure traffic load and adapt power consumption,” according to the story. WES and Concurrent will demonstrate use of Concurrent Thinking command and control Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) in cable networks.

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