Maverick Synfuels, formerly Maverick Biofuels, and Plant Process Equipment (PPE) have formed a partnership to manufacture and sell small-scale gas-to-liquids (GTL) methanol plants. These skid-mounted modular plants can be deployed and are capable of producing between 3,000 – 10,000 gallons per day of ultra-clean synthetic fuels and chemicals from natural gas or methane-rich waste gas.
Waste gas producers have an alternative to flaring or generating electricity. Methane-rich waste gas originates from numerous sources including oil and gas fields (associated or flare gas), landfills, wastewater treatment plants and anaerobic digesters associated with agricultural waste disposal. Maverick says its “hub-and-spokes” system captures the value of this waste.
Methanol produced at small-scale GTL plants located at the waste gas source is transportable to larger facilities, where it can be converted to higher value products such as clean transportation fuels, and specialty chemicals like propylene. The companies say this approach reduces capital requirements for converting low-value feedstocks such as waste methane into higher value products.
The first methanol plant from the PPE/Maverick partnership is to be deployed at a large-scale dairy in the upper Midwest where Maverick will leverage the synergies between three existing anaerobic digesters.