Greenpeace Calls Out Reebok, Adidas on Leather Sourcing

by | Jul 24, 2009

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cows2Shortly after Greenpeace issued its report on shoe companies sourcing leather from denuded Amazon rainforest, Nike issued a statement that it would purchase no leather from cattle grown on Amazon rainforest.

Now, Greenpeace UK is pushing for other shoe manufacturers, including Reebok, Adidas, Timberland and Clarks, to follow suit.

The report, “Slaughtering the Amazon,” details how much of the leather used around the world comes from cattle that were grazed on former Amazon rainforest lands, land that was cleared specifically to raise cattle. Greenpeace says Brazil’s cattle industry is reponsible for 80 percent of the deforestation.

Greenpeace activists are continuing the push against Brazilian leather sourcing. Over the course of a couple weeks, 30,000 activists sent more than 200,000 e-mails to shoe companies, according to this Greenpeace blog.

In its declaration to not source Amazon leather, Nike said it is requiring suppliers to join its leather working group by December.

Nike’s new policy states that, “Suppliers of Brazilian leather for Nike products have until July 1, 2010, to create an ongoing, traceable and transparent system to provide credible assurances that leather used for Nike products is from cattle raised outside of the Amazon Biome. On a quarterly basis Nike will review suppliers’ progress in establishing an ongoing, traceable and transparent system.”

“If, after July 1, 2010, suppliers are unable to provide credible assurances that leather used for Nike products is from cattle raised outside of the Amazon Biome, Nike will consider increasing the exclusion area to include all of the Amazon Legal (as defined by IBGE),” the statement continues.

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